Summary: A Tokyo lawyer having an affair with an amateur boxer’s wife faces the full wrath of the boxer in a not so pleasant way.
A bizarre story out of Tokyo, Japan involves a love triangle. Ikki Kotsugai, a 24-year-old amateur boxer and law graduate from Keio University Law School discovered that his wife was having an affair.
Kotsugai drove to the Minato Kyowa Law office where the lover worked as a lawyer at 7:40am. Kotsugai beat the 42-year-old man up and then pulled his pants down once the man was barely conscious. He then used garden shears to cut the man’s penis off before running to the bathroom to flush it down the toilet.
Kotsugai was arrested at the law firm and has admitted to committing the act. The man was rushed to the hospital. It was reported that the wife, who worked at the law firm as a clerk, was a witness to the entire incident.
Kotsugai has been charged with inflicting bodily harm and it is expected to be a simple case since he told police “I cut off his genitalia and flushed them down a toilet in the law office”. The victim’s injuries are not life threatening but will certainly have an effect on his future.
The name of the victim and wife have not been officially released although there are speculations based on deleted Facebook accounts and other sources.