Online Directory of U.S. Oil Companies with Legal Departments

Summary: This directory of oil companies in the United States that have in-house legal departments is a beneficial resource.

View the full list at Directory of Oil Companies With Legal Departments

The directory provides the company name, contact name, contact title, contact email, address, phone and fax, and URL to make it easy for anyone needing to find the legal department of an oil company in the United States.

There are a total of 60 companies listed with a majority of them in Texas. Of the 31 companies in Texas, there are several well-known ones such as ConocoPhillips, BP, Chevron, Exxon Mobil, and Shell.

The other states that have oil companies with legal departments are Ohio, Colorado, California, Missouri, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Kansas, Arizona, Arkansas, New York, and Louisiana.

Not all companies have contact information listed but all have a URL to make it easy to find the needed information on the company.

Working in the legal department of major oil companies is a strong field in the legal industry. While the profession held a big stigma for many years that has changed recently. Oil and natural gas have become an awakened area due to a number of mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and asset divestitures. Take a look at the companies on the directory to find open positions.

Source: https://www.lawcrossing.com/article/900045209/Directory-of-Oil-Companies-with-Legal-Departments/

Photo: pendragonoil.com

Amanda Griffin: