A look into my life, currently:
Current book: Lulu’s Cafe by TI Lowe
I found this book through the Kindle Owner Lending Library (free for prime members!) with only knowing a bit about the synopsis and that it had a Christian undertone. I’m only a few chapters in, but so far I’m really liking it!
Current music: I am currently obsessed with Kari Jobe! I heard her sing live at a concert at the end of July and I just cannot get enough of her music and her voice!
Current guilty pleasure: Spending way too much of my free time reading! This might not sound like a guilty pleasure to others, but I constantly have work that needs to be done.Some nights I just say forget it and read for a couple hours!
Current nail color: NONE! I know, it’s insane. I’m rarely without nail polish!
Current drink: La Croix! I used to hate sparkling water but for some reason I’m on a total La Croix kick right now. So far my favorite flavor is orange!
Current food: Bananas, apples, almonds, sweet potatoes, and zucchini (zoodles!).
Current shows: Technically, none. But I am trying to start watching the second season of Playing House, but Hulu is making my life difficult. Basically my best friend and I think this is exactly our relationship (she’s the blonde, I’m the brunette) and we love it.
Current wishlist: Still a hammock, but seeing as it hasn’t magically appeared, I’d take it anywhere, even away from the beach
Current needs: COFFEE. As I’m writing this I have just realized I have no coffee in my apartment, and it’s 6am. Not pretty.
Current triumphs: Being confident in reaching out to people I haven’t talked to in years! As a part of being a health coach I’m trying to reconnect to people (even if it doesn’t go towards coaching), and it’s really pushing me out of my comfort zone!
Current blessing: Summer . It has finally cooled off a bit,and now it’s the perfect temperature for summer (for someone without AC). I hope this lasts for a bit!
Current excitement: I’m going to Charleston at the very end of the month! I can’t wait to see my old college friend and her new baby!
Current mood: Tired but excited for the weekend! So ready to relax!