Abortion Now a Forgivable Sin Says Catholic Pope

Pope Francis

Pope Francis

Summary: The participation in the sin of abortion will be forgivable during the “Year of Mercy” by priests throughout the world to repentant members.

Pope Francis is beginning a “Year of Mercy” in December within the Catholic Church. To coincide with this, he announced that priests are authorized to forgive women that are repentant for taking part in the “sin of abortion.”

Pope Francis states, “the forgiveness of God cannot be denied to one who has repented.” Many women have expressed their sorrow for making the decision to have an abortion and are unable to move past those agonizing memories.

The “Year of Mercy” will allow priests to liberate a members remorse about their participation in the procedure the church calls a “moral evil.” The ability for priests to do such will only be for the “Year of Mercy” but may continue permanently.

This applies to people that have worked in clinics that provide abortions. Some have been left confused by this announcement since before a person that procures an abortion is automatically excommunicated.

Pope Francis has concentrated his efforts in the church to opening their arms to those that were previously shunned or forgotten such as gays, lesbians, divorced Catholics, poor, sick, and elderly. The church has also lessened the guidelines for those wishing to marry but already living together.

The announcement from the Pope comes just weeks before his visit to the United States that is deep in the debate to the funding of Planned Parenthood.

Source: http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/01/europe/pope-francis-abortion/index.html

Photo: independent.co.uk

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