Kentucky County Clerk Released from Jail

Summary: Kim Davis has been released from jail after serving five days for being in contempt of court in her refusal to issue same-sex marriage licenses.

Rowan County Clerk in Kentucky, Kim Davis, was sent to jail for violating an order requiring her to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples. After five days and increasing pressure from conservatives, the judge that sentenced her, David Bunning, released her from jail with the condition that she cannot impede her office from issuing the licenses.

Davis was released to a crowd of thousands of supporters cheering. She gave very few comments except that she wanted to “give God the glory” and urging others to “Keep on pressing, don’t let down because He is here.”

Soon before her release, Republican candidates Mike Huckabee and Sen. Ted Cruz visited the jail. Huckabee is calling Davis an elected person by God that was sent to lead the fight against “judicial tyranny.”

Her attorney Mat Staver would not state if she would follow the judge’s orders by allowing her office to continue issuing licenses but he did state “Kim Davis cannot, will not violate her conscience.” Staver also alluded to the fact that the public will find out shortly whether or not she will refuse to issue licenses.

Huckabee also stated that Judge Bunning should put him in jail if he believes it is warranted to be sent to jail for being “willing to stand on the biblical definition of marriage.”

Source: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/09/08/judge-orders-kentucky-clerk-kim-davis-released-from-jail/

Photo: cnn.com

Amanda Griffin: