Summary: The very clever ad from Quiznos mocking the sort of attendees Burning Man now attracts is not appreciated by the organization.
Quiznos released a new ad featuring characters from the movie “The Maze Runner: The Scorch Trails” that the Burning Man organization doesn’t quite appreciate. Burning Man is an annual event that takes place in the Nevada desert. Generally the attendees are from a more artistic side of life but that has been changing in the last few years as the event grows in popularity, with over 65,000 attending last year’s week-long event.
Burning Man is built on ten principles, one which is decommidification. The event does not allow cash transactions except for a select few fuel, charity, and sanitation vendors. Profits for luxuries such as drinks and ice go to charities. Logos and brands are not allowed. Attendees are even encouraged to cover the logos of items they bring with you.
This is where Burning Man has a problem with Quiznos ad. The organization does not allow any company to come in and take advantage of their event as a source of financial gain. Burning Man is considering suing the sandwich chain for theft of intellectual property.
This wouldn’t be the first lawsuit that Burning Man has brought against a company. They sued the producers of “Girls Gone Wild” from distributing nude footage from the event. While it is assumed that Quiznos did not film the ad on site, it is clear that the ad is depicting what it is like at the event.