Summary: A Sunrise, Florida man brutally murdered and disemboweled his girlfriend after she said the wrong name during drunken sex.
Twenty-four-year-old Fidel Lopez and 31-year-old Maria Nemeth were enjoying a wild and crazy night of sex in their new apartment—when Maria accidentally muttered her ex-husband’s name twice. Filled with rage and tequila, Lopez reached into Maria’s nether regions and disemboweled her.
Lopez called 911 around 3:39 am, saying that his girlfriend couldn’t breathe and was dying. When police arrived, they found him crying next to her naked body. There was blood and body tissue smeared on the walls and doors, inside the bedroom closet, and all over the bathroom.
Nemeth was pronounced dead at 4:02 am. Neighbors report hearing yelling and loud noises for around two hours prior to the incident. Police found a half empty bottle of 1800 Tequila and limes in the kitchen.
Originally Lopez claimed that the two were having rough sex when she got up, went to the bathroom and proceeded to vomit and pass out.
When police continued to question Lopez about the events of the night, the gruesome truth came out. After hearing Nemeth say her ex’s name, he left her in the closet where they were having sex and proceeded to break things in the apartment and punch holes in the walls.
When he returned to the closet, Maria had passed out—so he inserted a beer bottle into her, a flat hair iron, and then both fists. Lopez even admitted to inserting his arm up to his elbow inside her, where he then ripped out her intestines.
Also see Man Throws Intestines at Police Officers.
Lopez carried the dying woman to the bathroom and splashed water on her face, but Maria wouldn’t wake up. Instead of immediately calling for help, Lopez washed his hands and went to smoke on the porch. It was then that he started to panic and tried to clean up the apartment.
Lopez has a previous arrest for disorderly intoxication in 2014. He told detectives he couldn’t help it; when Maria said her ex’s name, he became a “monster.”
Source: Sun Sentinel