Summary: With the addition of two more partners in the Business Restructuring & Insolvency Group at Morrison & Foerster, their practice continues to dominate the industry with experience and skill.
One of the leading global law firms, Morrison & Foerster, is continuing their growth into a powerhouse law firm. They announced today the addition of Peter Declercq and Sonya Van de Graaff as partners in the London office. They will be joining the Business Restructuring & Insolvency Group.
Both worked previously at Schulte Roth & Zabel representing distressed investors like ad hoc groups of bondholders and individuals in their restructuring needs. The addition of these two notable attorneys follows Morrison & Foerster’s strategic plan to grow their practice, especially since the addition of James Peck, the former bankruptcy judge that presided over the Lehman Brothers case.
Managing partner in Europe, Paul Friedman, stated of their addition, “Peter and Sonya’s arrival is another signal of Morrison & Foerster’s strong commitment to continue to expand its UK practice following highly experienced restructuring and insolvency lawyer Howard Morris joining us from Dentons
Declercq is known for global restructuring and insolvency matters as well as being an INSOL International Fellow. Van de Graaff focuses her work on European restructuring, distressed investing and financing, such as direct lending.
Morrison & Foerster now has one of the most powerful Business Restructuring & Insolvency practices in the industry and has been involved in a number of complex matters in the past few years. These cases include acting as the creditors committee in the chapter 11 case of Energy Future Holdings and the Chapter 11 trustee for MF Global.