Summary: A closer look at California’s Bar-Pass Rankings, school by school, according to TaxProf Blog.
The most severe and hence most interesting state bar in the United States has long been California’s. With a dismal 46.6 percent rate in July of 2015, many wondered what was wrong, and the test itself was put under severe scrutiny. Now we have the school by school results of the California state bar and it look something like this. These are the 21 ABA approved schools of California, their bar pass rank, and their US News ranking in California and overall. Credit for this chart goes to TaxProf Blog:
Stanford at top is no surprise, and it is a delight to see them take out Berkley, who placed top last year. Nationwide, compared to how the out-of-staters took the same test, we see that Yale came in first with 93.3% (30 test-takers), Virginia next with 92.1% (38 test-takers), Chicago with 89.7% (29 test-takers), Pennsylvania with 88.9% (18 test-takers), and Harvard coming in worse than Stanford with 86.0% (93 test-takers). Considering Harvard and Stanford tie for #2 on the US News Rank, this may give some indication as to who is truly number 2.
Loyola did well for itself, considering it is ranked 10th in California, and 75 overall, yet outperformed higher rankers UC-Davis, San Diego, and Pepperdine. Ranking does not guarantee bar passage, after all.
Source: TaxProf Blog