Summary: Rowan University has partnered with Widener University to create a 3+3 degree program.
A partnership between Rowan University and Widener University will give Rowan students the opportunity to earn their bachelor and law degrees in six years with additional scholarships chances. Widener University runs the Delaware Law School in Wilmington while Rowan University is in New Jersey.
Rowan has been experimenting with creating three-year undergraduate programs to attract more students. The 3+3 program will allow students at Rowan that complete specific requirements during their undergraduate degree to finish early and start at Delaware Law School. The students can also receive at least $10,000 in scholarships, which is around a quarter of the tuition. As long as the student remains in good academic standing, the scholarship is renewable.
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Requirements for the program are a minimum 3.0 GPA, completion of core and major class requirements, completion of 75 percent of a bachelor’s degree, meeting the LSAT requirements for the law school, and meeting the “standards for character and fitness.”
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Another program exists where Rowan students can go to Delaware Law School after four years of undergraduate study. The “express admission” path also allows those students to qualify for the scholarships.
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Delaware Law School has programs with several other undergraduate schools such as Widener University, Neumann University, and Cabrini College. With enrollment in law schools down, law schools like Delaware Law School are resorting to new approaches to education options and degree lengths to attract more students.