Take Back Control of Your Legal Career

Summary: Harrison Barnes explains how many attorneys rely on others for their work instead of taking the jump to generate their own business.

Read The Real Reason Why Most Attorneys’ Are Out of Control to learn more.

The latest article by Harrison Barnes titled “The Real Reason Why Most Attorneys’ Careers Are Out of Control” explains how many lawyers end up failing in their legal career. He starts off by describing a phone call that made him happy.

The phone call was from a very talented and young counsel-level attorney who was looking for something greater. She was doing everything right when it came to billing a lot of hours, publishing articles in legal publications, giving talks and participating in committees but admitted she didn’t have her own book of business.

Harrison Barnes Takes on the Tough Question of ‘What’s the Point?’

Barnes goes on to explain how important being able to generate business is for attorneys who want to be successful. When an attorney doesn’t have their own business, they become reliant on other attorneys and their law firm to provide work for them. This is fine in the beginning, but attorneys need to eventually make the shift to providing the work themselves. This is where many fall short.

Not being able to generate business leaves an attorney vulnerable to unemployment when the work dries up. Barnes was happy about the phone call because this young attorney finally realized that she did have a book of business and had already jumped on it. She had called up a couple clients who she regularly worked with, and they wanted to continue sending her their work even if she moved to a new law firm.

Factors Law Firms Look at When Hiring

This attorney made herself a desirable attorney for any law firm because of her credentials and her ability to generate business on her own. She decided that being in control of her career was important.

Source: https://www.bcgsearch.com/article/900046354/Why-Most-Attorneys-Careers-Are-Out-of-Control/

Photo: housingwire.com

Amanda Griffin: