In “If You Care About Work-Life Balance, You’re a Bad Person,” Above the Law attacks Barnes’ article
Joe Patrice, Writer for Above the Law
entitled “The #1 Attorney Career Killer that Attorneys are Never Taught” by misconstruing Barnes’ thoughts regarding an attorney’s level of commitment to his/her client. Above the Law then followed up a with a piece entitled “How to Make Your Resume Shine for Racist, Homophobic, Misogynists,” which again appears to misconstrue Barnes’ advice to job seekers to tone down personal information in their resumes that may touch potential employers “hot buttons.” Most recently, Above the Law took Barnes’ investigation into “Why Upper and Lower Class Attorneys Rarely Success in Law Firms: How Race and Class Often Hinder Law Firm Success” out of context by mischaracterizing Barnes’ statements in a post entitled “Poor, Black Lawyers Lack Work Ethic, Says legal Recruiter.“