Kardashian Sisters Fight Back Against $180 Million Makeup Lawsuit

Photo courtesy of Popdust.

Source: The Kardashian sisters responded to the $180 million lawsuit filed by Hillair Capital Management.

The Kardashian sisters are not known for being quiet, and now they’re fighting, this time in court. Kourtney, Kim, and Khloe Kardashian filed papers on May 11 against Hillair Capital Management LLC, an investment company that sued them for breach of contract.

In March, Hillair sued The Keeping Up With the Kardashians siblings saying it had invested in their beauty brand, Kardashian Beauty, but the girls never promoted it. In fact, the reality stars even went so far as to insult the line publicly or promote other brands.

Hillair sought $180 million in the suit, claiming that was the amount they had hoped to profit off of the makeup sales.

The Kardashians originally had a deal with the brand Boldface, but when Boldface had money problems due to a trademark legal battle, Hillair stepped in with a $10 million investment and that’s when things went south. Hillair had alleged the girls sabotaged the brand because they “wanted a better, more lucrative deal than they had struck.”

According to Us Weekly, the Kardashians said the hedge fund “planned to make millions of dollars in exploitive loans to a distressed cosmetics company (Boldface),” and rather than invest in the troubled makeup business, Hillair “planned to quickly flip its assets (primarily a license agreement with the Kardashians) for a profit.”

The Kardashians said Hillair’s lawsuit was “frivolous” and that they company was trying to blame the girls for its own failure. Most importantly, they noted that their contracts stated all disputes were to be settled in arbitration, not in court.

The Kardashians are represented by attorney Michael Krump. The hearing for the court case is scheduled for June 7.

So do you think the Kardashians or Hillair will win this ugly beauty fight?

Source: Us Weekly

Teresa Lo: