Sister of Dallas Sniper Posts Racist Rant Night before Killing Spree

Micah X. Johnson with sister Nicole

Micah X. Johnson with sister Nicole

Summary: The Dallas sniper’s sister went on a rant the night before he killed five cops on Facebook, calling white people murderers and saying that cops needed a taste of their own treatment.

Disturbing details are emerging about the family of Dallas sniper Micah X. Johnson. The Smoking Gun has reported a Facebook post of Johnson’s sister Nicole calling all white people murderers the night before he went out and shot five Dallas officers in cold blood.

Nicole said in her Facebook post: “I will say this. To all my white or even other race friends that are on the wrong side of the law. If ur opinions are one sided or racist or vulgar im reporting and blocking you. Tired of yall tryin to be on these cops side making it okay based off irrelevant info. When our own get killed over unjust s***. Frankly you shouldn’t even try to step in that man shoes saying what he did and why it was ok. White ppl have and will continue to kill us off. The only difference is they serve the system hiding behind that blue suit and get off easy murdering civilians. Everything coming into the light and i for one think these cops need to get a taste of the life we now fear. Smh.”

Nicole Johnson Facebook post

The apple clearly hasn’t fallen too far from the tree. Her older brother is suspected of shooting 14 people during the “Black Lives Matter” protest in downtown Dallas. Bomb-making materials, ammunition, ballistic vests, rifles, and a “personal journal of combat tactics” were found inside his Mesquite home. Micah Johnson was an Army veteran. He was killed following a 45-minute standoff with police after the shootings. He said during negotiation attempts that he wanted to “kill white people, especially white officers.”

Micah Johnson was a private first class with a specialty in masonry and carpentry. He spent eight months in Afghanistan in 2013 and 2014. He as affiliated with the New Black Panther Party for a few months three years ago before being kicked out for having a hot head with violent ideas.

Nicole Johnson has now deleted her Facebook account.


Facebook post photo:

Amanda Griffin: