Negativity Gets You Nowhere In a Law Firm

Summary: Harrison Barnes discusses the “One Simple Rule” that attorneys need to follow if they wish to keep their careers moving in a successful direction.

Read The One Simple Rule for Succeeding in a Law Firm to learn more.

Some attorneys are successful while others are not. The reasons for this are not always clear but can usually be narrowed down to a few specific actions that attorneys take or don’t take. One such action Harrison Barnes teaches to readers. He states that attorneys should “never think or act negatively towards the powers that feed you.” Negative thoughts and talk are like a disease that spreads across the law firm, wiping out the most negative first. Those that are known to be negative, especially towards management and partners will be the first to go.

Read Harrison Barnes Explains Why Attorneys Need to Keep Working for more information.

Law firms want attorneys that are loyal to any level because they are the type that are easy to get along with and supportive. Too many attorneys have gotten the idea that they are entitled to their paychecks, especially those that bring in large amounts of business.

Attorneys that move around a lot begin to build a reputation, even if it is not necessarily true, of being an attorney that law firms don’t want around. They assume there is a reason for an attorney to be moving firms every couple years. Law firms will avoid the risk of letting a toxic employee into their firm at great costs.

See Harrison Barnes Takes on the Tough Question of “What’s the Point?” for more information.

“In general, once the leadership of a law firm gets a hint that you are against it, you will become someone the firm will generally stop favoring and whom the firm wants to oust,” explains Barnes. They can oust an attorney by not giving them work, giving nothing but busy work, reviewing their work harshly, give too much work, ignore them, not provide help to them on assignments, ask them to leave, lay them off, or just fire them out right.

Law firms will protect their own so do everything you can to make sure you are on their side.

Do you think attorneys can get away with being negative? Tell us why in the comments below.

Source: https://www.bcgsearch.com/article/900047293/The-One-Simple-Rule-for-Succeeding-in-a-Law-Firm/

Photo: speakforchange.org

Amanda Griffin: