Virginia Mayor Caught Attempting to Exchange Meth for Sex

Virginia Mayor Caught Attempting to Exchange Meth for Sex


Summary: Fairfax’s mayor Richard “Scott” Silverthorne was allegedly caught trying to exchange meth for gay sex.

A Virginia mayor has shocked his constituents by getting himself arrested. Mayor Richard “Scott” Silverthorne, 50, was caught earlier today trying to give methamphetamine to undercover detectives. Not only that, the elected official was giving the drugs to the undercovers in exchange for sex!

The Fairfax County Police Department said in a news release that Silverthorne was grabbed in a parking lot outside of the Crowne Plaza hotel.

According to NBC News, Silverthorne was a three-term mayor of Fairfax, a city west of Washington D.C. with a population of 24,000.

The police said the operation was a sting. They started it in July after receiving a tip about a meth distributor. The distributor allegedly sold meth through a website designed to arrange casual sex between gay men.

An undercover detective made a fake profile on the unnamed website, and he used characteristics he believed would lure the mayor. Hook line and sinker, Silverthorne responded to the catfish, and the two began to exchange texts. Eventually, a drug-fueled orgy was planned.

Fairfax County Captain Jack Hardin said that Silverthorne met the cops in the parking lot and waited for Silverthorne’s dealer to arrive. Once he showed up, he sold the mayor 2 grams of meth and handed it to the detectives. That’s when the arrest was made.

Hardin said the mayor squealed on himself.

“He did not resist,” Hardin said. “He provided a full confession on everything he did that night.”

Silverthorne was charged with felony distribution of meth and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.

Source: NBC News

Photo courtesy of NBC News

Teresa Lo: