Categories: Law Life

8 Plants You Need in Your Home

Summary: Put one or more of these beneficial plants in your home to improve your air quality and remove toxins.

We all love to enjoy plants outdoors, but did you know that having plants in your home or office can bring you many benefits? First and foremost, plants are natural air purifiers, cleansing toxic chemicals from the air that come from things like paint, cigarettes, vinyl and solvents. This cleansing ability can help with respiratory problems, as well as help you sleep better. Studies have found that the presence of plants can help lower heart rate and blood pressure, helping lower stress and anxiety. Plants also tend to have a mental connection with positive life events, such as weddings, and in addition to their beauty, this connection can improve happiness.

As much as I love plants and know they’re beneficial to me, that doesn’t change the fact that I have never been able to keep any alive. To help anyone with a black thumb having thriving plants in their home, here are eight houseplants that are great for cleaning the air and difficult to kill.

  1. Aloe Vera: You probably know that Aloe Vera is good for your skin, but the plant itself is also great at cleansing formaldehyde from the air. Since it’s a desert plant it needs only light watering and plenty of sunlight.
  2. Spider Plant: These plants are considered good for beginners because they grow fairly easily. Spider Plants require plenty of sunlight and watering every few days.
  3. Rubber Plant: These plants can grow quite tall and only require filtered sunlight, rich soil, and infrequent watering.
  4. Gerbera Daisy: These bright, colorful flowers are not only pretty, but they are great to have in your home as they remove cancer-causing chemicals and give off oxygen overnight.
  5. Chinese Evergreen: This plant is perfect for a home that isn’t especially bright as they can be kept in full shade. Additionally, the Chinese Evergreen emits a high amount of oxygen.
  6. Moth Orchid: Orchids are beautiful and unusual looking flowers, but also are wonderful at cleansing toxins from the air. They’re perfect for anyone living in a humid climate as well.
  7. Boston Fern: This plant is one of the best air purifiers and can be in a room with limited sunlight, and they prefer it cooler.
  8. Peace Lily: This flower is perfect for anyone with a black thumb, as they are tough plants and difficult to kill. Because they remove mold spores, they’re great for rooms with more moisture in the air, such as kitchens, bathrooms, or laundry rooms.
Kathryn Wheeler: My name is Katie and I moved to Chicago in 2010 for law school and graduated in May 2013. I'm originally from Kansas City, MO and I did my undergrad at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. I started this blog in August of 2011 because I needed a creative outlet and I wanted to write about my life in a way that other women could relate to and realize that they aren’t alone in many aspects of their lives.