Guccifer 2.0 Posts DNC Members’ Personal Information

Summary: The Democratic Party has been hit again by hacker Guccifer 2.0 with the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee being the target.

Guccifer 2.0 has been at it again. The hacker has been quiet for a few weeks but returned this week with a bang. This time he posted the phone numbers and emails of the members he hacked from the Democratic National Committee’s website.

Guccifer had previously released a list of roughly 20,000 DNC emails to Wikileaks. This time he uploaded an excel sheet with the cell phone numbers and personal email addresses of just about every Democratic member of the House of Representatives. The list also had the contact information for congressional staff members such as press secretaries, schedulers, legislative directors, and chiefs of staff as well as campaign personnel.

Read Democrats Prepare to Crash Republican National Convention.

The hacker claims he gained this information through the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. He said, “As you see I wasn’t wasting my time! It was even easier than in the case of the DNC breach.” He uploaded documents that contain the account names and passwords for several subscription services used by the DCCC.

In response to his release of personal information, Twitter and WordPress shut down his accounts. Twitter has since restored his account but WordPress stated that “upon receipt of a valid complaint regarding the publication of private information” his blog has been stripped of the recently posted documents.

See Everyone Wants to Hack Hillary Clinton.

Guccifer has called the U.S. presidential elections a “farce being settled behind the scenes as it was with Bernie Sanders. I wonder what happened to the true democracy, to the equal opportunities, the things we love the United States for. The big money bags are fighting for power today. They are lying constantly and don’t keep their word. The MSM are producing tons of propaganda hiding the real stuff behind it. But I do believe that people have right to know what’s going on inside the election process in fact.”

The Democratic party has labeled Guccifer 2.0 as a thief but he calls himself a “hacktivist” and “freedom fighter.”

Why do you think the Republican Party hasn’t been targeted? Tell us in the comments below.

To learn more about Guccifer 2.0, read Democratic National Committee Easily Hacked Again.

Photo: upi.com

Amanda Griffin: