Ryan Lochte Apologizes for Lying about Rio Robbery, Teammates Allowed to Go Home

Ryan Lochte Apologizes for Lying about Rio Robbery, Teammates Allowed to Go Home


Summary: Ryan Lochte’s previously detained teammates have been allowed to return to the United States from Brazil.

Ryan Lochte’s three teammates are finally getting closer to the finish line of their Rio police drama. The two American Olympic swimmers forced off a plane earlier this week are now back in the United States, and the third man will make a payment to an unnamed institution and be allowed to finally leave Brazil today.

Olympic swimmers Gunnar Bentz and Jack Conger were seized on Wednesday while trying to exit Brazil, but authorities wanted them to testify further in regards to Lochte’s robbery story that didn’t add up. On Friday morning, the two men were allowed to return home and they have already landed in Miami, ESPN reports.

Lochte’s other teammate James Feigen was ordered to make a $10,800 donation and will leave the South American country today. Under Brazilian law, donations can be made to charities to avoid prosecution of minor offenses.

The international incident kicked off when Lochte claimed that he and his fellow athletes were robbed at gunpoint by men who were dressed as police officers.

“The guy pulled out his gun, he cocked it, put it to my forehead and he said, ‘Get down,’” Lochte said. “I put my hands up, I was like ‘whatever.’ He took our money, he took my wallet — he left my cell phone, he left my credentials.”

The story raised concerns about Brazil’s safety, and it angered locals who felt that the story painted the area in a damning light. Soon after the robbery account went viral, authorities unraveled plot inconsistencies and ultimately concluded that Lochte had been lying. The Rio authorities issued a statement that the drunk Americans had actually peed on a gas station and destroyed its properties before an armed guard demanded that they pay for damages. Lochte’s tale of being robbed was allegedly a cover-up to hide the actions of the group’s wild night.

An attorney for Bentz and Conger said they had nothing to do with Lochte’s story, and the Rio police released a statement that said Bentz and Conger felt that Lochte had lied about that night.

According to ESPN, the police may continue with this case and file falsely reporting a crime and/or destruction of property which could result in six months of jail or a fine. Additionally, Lochte and the others could face fines or suspension from USA Swimming.

This morning, Lochte who had left Brazil before the police could detain him, issued an apology this morning on Instagram.

“I want to apologize for my behavior last weekend—for not being more careful and more candid in how I described the events of that early morning and for my role in taking the focus away from the many athletes fulfilling their dreams of participating in the Olympics,” Lochte said.

Do you think Lochte will face any consequences for lying? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: ESPN

Photo courtesy of Sports Illustrated

Teresa Lo: