War of Words Ensues Between Maine Gov. and State Rep.

Paul LePage

Paul LePage

Summary: After what some saw as a racist remark was made by Maine Gov. Paul LePage, a state rep had no problem calling him such to the media.

After a number of controversial remarks were made by the governor of Maine, a state rep called him in out on them. Gov. Paul LePage showed his displeasure for being singled out by Democratic State Rep. Drew Gattine by leaving him an expletive-laced voicemail daring Gattine to prove he is a racist.

The Republican governor, a strong supporter of Donald Trump, is known for being a little bit of a loose cannon. Trump’s campaign even hired LePage’s daughter to work in Maine for the campaign.

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LePage’s comment concerned the background of drug dealers in the state. He said, “90-percent are black and Hispanic people.” The Press Herald reported that Gattine called LePage a racist for the remark.

The voicemail said, “Mr. Gattine, this is Gov. Paul Richard LePage. I would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you ****. I want to talk to you. I want you to prove that I’m racist. I’ve spent my life helping black people and you little ****, socialist ****. You – I need you to – just friggin’. I want you to record this and make it public because I am after you. Thank you.”

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LePage has since apologized for his voicemail but justified it saying what Gattine said was “The absolute worst, most vile thing you can call a person.” He continued, “I didn’t know Drew Gattine from a hole in the wall until yesterday. It made me enormously angry when a TV reporter asked me for my reaction about Gattine calling me a racist… So I called Gattine and used the worst word I could think of. I apologize for that to the people of Maine, but I make no apology for trying to end the drug epidemic that is ravaging our state.”

Do you think LePage had a right to be upset about being called a racist? Tell us in the comments.

To learn more about other inappropriate remarks LePage as made, read Maine Governor Compares Democratic Budget Plan to Anal Rape.

Photo: trofire.com

Amanda Griffin: