LAPD Find Playmate Dani Mathers’ Body-Shaming Victim

LAPD Find Playmate Dani Mathers’ Body-Shaming Victim


Summary: Police say they have located the woman that model Dani Mathers secretly photographed naked in a locker room.

In July, a Playboy model snapped a photo of an old lady inside of a gym locker room before publishing it on Snapchat. Los Angeles police had been on the hunt to find the victim, and they have finally located her.

To recap, model Dani Mathers, 30, was in the locker room of a L.A. Fitness in Universal City, CA, an area of Los Angeles. She spotted an average-sized elderly woman naked by the showers, and she took a photo of her and published it to her large social media following. Not only did she violate the unsuspecting woman’s privacy, but she cruelly captioned the photo, “If I can’t unsee this, you can’t either.”

Mathers’ mean girl action drew immediate backlash, and although she issued a weak apology, the damage was done. The classically beautiful blonde lost her job as a radio contributor and was permanently banned from all L.A. Fitness locations. It was reported that if the victim came forward and sued in civil court, she would win almost $1 million in damages.

According to TMZ, the victim is in her 70s and wants prosecutors to go after Mathers full force. She reportedly said she would testify and do anything it takes to bring Mathers to justice.

TMZ reports that Mathers will likely be charged with the misdemeanor of Dissemination of Private Images, which is punishable by six months in jail.

The City Attorney is currently reviewing the case. One source told TMZ that the LAPD wants to make an example of Mathers for publicly shaming an innocent woman who was trying to better herself through fitness.

The following are the Snapchat photos that Mathers had sent:

Do you think Mathers will go to jail? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: TMZ

Photo courtesy of Playboy

Teresa Lo: