Start Your Summer Associate Job Search Now

Summary: Summer may be coming to a close, but it is never too early to start securing your associate position for next summer.

It is never too soon to start securing your summer associate job. LawCrossing has the most listings to help you find the one that is right for you and your career. Law students can and should make the most out of the list on LawCrossing. Law students that don’t complete summer associate jobs will have a hard time finding meaningful employment in the legal industry later in their career, so don’t wait.

LawCrossing has over 890 summer associate listings to browse through.

Now that you have a list to work off, you need to know how to get a summer associate job. Know your transcript and what qualifications you have for the job. Making up things or elaborating your credentials will not get you the job and will only get you in trouble.

Being polite, friendly, and respectful are essential traits for getting an associate position and keeping it past the first week. Start the research into the prospective law firms immediately. Get to know each firm’s culture, practice areas, current news, and anything else that may be relevant to the firm. Part of this research should include your career goals and what practice area you hope to practice in.

Begin networking now by getting your resume and cover letter prepared to put into the hands of those that matter. Be able to show that you are a team-player, tech-savvy, and a multi-tasker. Also start practicing what you will say during interviews to show the law firms how strong your social skills are.

Remember; don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Find several opportunities that you would like to pursue. Starting early will increase your chances of securing a great summer associate job. LawCrossing has positions ranging from St. Louis, MO to Fresno, CA to West Palm Beach, Florida. There should be plenty of options either in your area or in an area you are willing to relocate to.

Photo: jobsearch.about.com

Amanda Griffin: