Categories: Weird News

Two Men Donning Fake Eyelashes and Nails Steal Yoga Pants

Summary: Two men are wanted in South Carolina for disguising themselves with fake eyelashes and red fingernails while they stole several pairs of yoga pants from Victoria’s Secret.

Two men believed wearing an outfit representative of the other gender would be enough to mask their identities. The men, described as “feminine” were wearing long red nails and fake eyelashes decided they needed a pair of Victoria’s Secret yoga pants to make their outfit complete.

The two black men are wanted for stealing yoga pants from a South Carolina store. Spartanburg store employee Deana Milligan told police that the men entered the store around 9 pm. They proceeded to “hang out near a yoga pants display.” The men then stuffed several pairs of the yoga pants in shopping bags before running from the store, obviously without paying for the pants.

Spartanburg police described the suspects as wearing “red sweatshirts and red sneakers and had nose rings.” Milligan told police that one suspect had a neck tattoo while the other had a Mohawk haircut with a black hat on top.

Why do you think the men stole yoga pants from Victoria’s Secret? Tell us in the comments below.

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Photo: pinterest.com

Amanda Griffin: