Walmart to Be Reimbursed by Insurance for Tracy Morgan Settlement

Tracy Morgan

Tracy Morgan

Summary: Walmart reached a settlement with comedian Tracy Morgan for the Walmart truck accident that injured him and killed his friend but their insurance company was not wanting to pay up.

Walmart’s insurance company has finally agreed to pay the company back for the settlement with comedian Tracy Morgan. The comedian and his friend were involved in a car accident two years ago with a Walmart truck. Morgan’s friend James McNair was killed in the crash.

After settling the multi-million dollar lawsuit with Morgan, Walmart’s insurance company, XL Insurance America, declined to cover the settlement. Walmart was prepared to fight the insurance company in court over the claim. The settlement with Morgan was reached back in May 2015.

XL has changed their mind and decided to avoid a costly legal battle, striking a deal with Walmart for an undisclosed amount of the settlement.

Morgan and his friends were riding in their Mercedes limo van on the New Jersey turnpike on their way home from a performance.  Walmart truck driver Kevin Roper crashed his truck into the limo, causing it to flip and crash into other cars.

McNair’s family received $10 million from Walmart. Morgan, who was seriously injured in the accident, received a substantial amount but it is unknown how much. Morgan spent two weeks in a coma, suffering multiple broken bones and ribs from the crash. He has spent much of the past two years recovering. He has just recently started performing again.

A criminal complaint against Roper claimed he had not slept in over 24 hours before the accident. He pleaded not guilty to charges of vehicular manslaughter and was released on $50,000 bail.

Do you think Roper should be responsible for the crash? Tell us your thoughts in the comments below.

To learn more about Walmart, read these articles:


Amanda Griffin: