Summary: Stop putting yourself down and neglecting yourself. Use these tips to improve your sense of self-worth.
One of the biggest hindrances in our lives is not recognizing our worth and loving who we are. When you don’t love yourself, you don’t take care of yourself, because of course we take care of the things we love. If you find that you’re putting yourself last, or even putting yourself down, improving your sense of self-worth can be incredibly impactful. To help you out, here are six tips to create a greater sense of self-worth.
- Appreciate how special you are. Take some time to sit down and write down all your positive attributes. We’re talking anything, from your ability to be empathetic, to your amazing handstands.
- Drown yourself in affirmations. Find some positive affirmations that make you feel good inside. Yes, they can make you a little uncomfortable, but the more you say them, the more you’ll start believing them.
- Do things you love. Taking care of yourself includes taking the time to do things that you love and that are just for you.
- Let the love in. Letting other people love you once you start loving yourself is so important to improving your self-worth. Whether this is a significant other or a close friend, let people in to see the real you.
- Don’t compare yourself to others. No one wins the comparison game. Keep your blinders on and focus on yourself, remembering that whoever you’re comparing yourself too might have a difficult story that you know nothing about.
- Forgive yourself. We’ve all done or been things that we don’t feel great about now. Forgiving yourself and moving on is so important to creating a positive self-worth.