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34 Abbreviations That You Should Know

Summary: Abbreviations are becoming more common and more frequent. Get in the know by reading this list of 34 cool abbreviations.

Do you ever feel lost when looking at online discussions filled with abbreviations that you have never seen before? New abbreviations are appearing all over social media each second so you are not the only one confused as to what the latest abbreviation stands for. The even more difficult part is that some of the abbreviations are used as a name for the thing it is referencing. Here are 34 acronyms that you may or may not be aware of:

  1. JIC – Just In Case

Example: JIC you didn’t know the answer.

  1. BAE – Before Anyone Else

Example: My BAE brought me home chocolate tonight.

  1. IRL – In Real Life

Example: I have so much in common with your blog; it would be great to talk IRL.

  1. FaTH – First and Truest Husband

Example: Our relationship is strong, you are my FaTH.

  1. TBH – To Be Honest

Example: I didn’t enjoy your music video, TBH.

  1. DFTBA – Don’t Forget To Be Awesome

Example: Talk to you later, DFTBA!

  1. OTP – One True Pairing

Example: Blake and Ryan are my OTP!

  1. RT – Retweet

Example: RT @CareerCONNECTS: Love your job!

  1. OAN – On Another Note

Example: The weather has been great, but OAN I just got a raise.

  1. DAE – Does Anyone Else

Example: DAE like peanut butter with their quesadilla?

  1. IMO or IMHO – In My (Humble) Opinion

Example: I agree with this article but IMO, there were a lot of grammatical errors.

  1. FTW – For The Win

Example: It’s freezing outside today, ice queen FTW!

  1. HMU – Hit Me Up

Example: You’re really cute. You should HMU sometime!

  1. YSK – You Should Know

Example: We worked together as a team, and YSK that rarely happens.

  1. IANAD – I Am Not A Doctor

Example: IANAD but essential oils can cure everything.

  1. SMH – Shaking My Head

Example: You got another pair of shoes? SMH.

  1. WDYMBT – What Do You Mean By That?

Example: I’m sorry but WDYMBT?

  1. LMK – Let Me Know

Example: LMK when you make a decision, no hurry.

  1. BTAIM – Be That As It May

Example: BTAIM, I still have to go to work.

  1. ASL – Age/Sex/Location

Example: Hey. ASL?

  1. ELI5 – Explain Like I’m 5 (years old)

Example: ELI5, why is the sky blue?

  1. MTFBWY – May The Force Be With You

Example: MTFBWY on your blind date tonight.

  1. GTR – Getting Ready

Example: I’ll be there in ten, GTR now.

  1. FUTAB – Feet up, Take A Break

Example: It’s almost the weekend, I need a FUTAB.

  1. TL;DR – Too Long; Didn’t Read

Example: TL;DR but your ideas on why kids misbehave lacks real life experience.

  1. FTFY – Fixed That For You

Example: ‘Staying up all night will help me study.’ ‘Staying up all night will make me crash during the test. FTFY’

  1. TIL – Today I Learned

Example: TIL that people are stupider than I originally thought.

  1. TIFU – Today I Fudged Up

Example: TIFU trying to drive.

  1. NSFL – Not Safe For Life

Example: This food is made with dead bugs, NSFL!

  1. NSFW – Not Safe For Work

Example: This video contains nudity, NSFW.

  1. WCW – Woman Crush Wednesday

Example: Donna is my girl. #WCW

  1. MCM – Man Crush Monday

Example: Can’t help by love Robert. #MCM

  1. TBT – Throw Back Thursday

Example: Its TBT time to when I was in the first grade.

  1. FBF – Flash Back Friday

Example: I know it’s not Thursday, but this picture from five years ago at the fair has to be seen so I’ll do a #FBF instead.

Do you have any abbreviations that you use that aren’t on the list? Tell us in the comments below.

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Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Amanda Griffin: