Lawsuit Claims Coca-Cola Is Bad Like Tobacco

Lawsuit Claims Coca-Cola Is Bad Like Tobacco

Summary: A new lawsuit alleges that Coca-Cola misled the public about the dangers of its beverages.

Obesity in the United States is clearly a problem. Yet, who is to blame? One consumer advocacy group says Coca-Cola, and they recently filed a lawsuit against the soda giant. The plaintiffs allege that the soda giant is just as bad as tobacco when it comes to knowingly endangering people’s health.

Praxis Project filed the lawsuit against Coca-Cola and the American Beverage Association. The nonprofit alleges that the groups colluded into misleading the public about the negative health effects of soda. They said that the defendants confused people about the science linking obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease to sugary drinks.

According to Fox Business, the case tactics are similar to those used by lawyers who fought against tobacco companies. “In the 1950s, tobacco companies routinely defended themselves against claims that cigarettes caused cancer by denying there was a link, or by suggesting other factors caused cancer. In the 1980s, the tobacco companies argued smokers knowingly assumed the risks of cancer, or other health problems, when they began smoking, but it wasn’t until a third phase of lawsuits filed against tobacco companies when it emerged the the tobacco companies had actually been aware of the addictive nature of tobacco,” Fox Business stated.

The Coca-Cola lawsuit references the tobacco lawsuits, and it added that Coke targets children with its advertising as a way to recruit consumers when they’re young. The plaintiffs said that Coke also has repeatedly lied about their drinks, stating egregious falsehoods such as there is no scientific link between obesity and sugary beverages.

The Praxis Group is asking for Coca-Cola to stop advertising to people younger than 12, release files about the health effects of consuming sugary drinks, and to educate the public about the dangers of their beverages.

Coca-Cola and the ABA have already refuted the allegations, calling the lawsuit “meritless.”

“We take our consumers and their health very seriously and have been on a journey to become a more credible and helpful partner in helping consumers manage their sugar consumption,” Coca-Cola said to Fortune.

ABA also spoke to Fortune and denied Praxis’ allegations.

“[We] know we have an important role to play in addressing our nation’s health challenges. That’s why we’re engaging with health groups and community organizations to drive a reduction in the sugar and calories Americans get from beverages,” the ABA stated.

The lawsuit does not name Coke’s competitors such as Pepsi, and Praxis said that it because their investigation is still pending.

Do you think this lawsuit has merit? Let us know in the comments below.

Teresa Lo: