Summary: Find out how you can use affirmations to make powerful changes in your life in this article.
An affirmation is a statement that you say (or think) to yourself that affirms something is true for you, even if you don’t believe it right away. Before you go running in the other direction, hear me out, because it may be incredibly uncomfortable or feel really silly, but using affirmations can actually change your life.
The things we say to ourselves usually end up becoming our truths. Our thoughts and beliefs about ourselves and our world shape our lives and when we choose to make those thoughts positive and self-affirming, we’re choosing to shape our lives in such a way as well.
Imagine spending your whole day thinking negative thoughts about yourself, like “I’ll never be able to do this,” or “no one likes me much anyway.” That sounds like a horrible way to live, right? But guess what? We ALL say things like this to ourselves! Choosing positive affirmations helps to negate these negative thoughts and bring better things in our lives, because if you tell yourself you CAN make something happen versus you can’t, and truly believe it, then you’re considerably more likely to make it happen.
When deciding what affirmations you need, focus in on where you have the most negative self-talk, and then choose affirmations that battle those issues. If you come across one that makes you uncomfortable to say out loud, it’s more than likely that it’s just the affirmation that you need right now.
To help you get started, here are a few affirmations that you might find helpful.
Work Life
I am confident in my job and workplace.
I have the power within me to create the life I desire.
I am worthy and capable of my job.
I am confident in my abilities.
My life is filled with meaning and purpose.
Personal Life
I am worthy of love, happiness and fulfillment.
I am confident and comfortable in who I am.
I am loveable.
I love and accept myself just the way I am.
I am worthy of loving and supportive relationships.