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Ellen Degeneres Wins “Titi” Joke Lawsuit

Ellen Degeneres Wins “Titi” Joke Lawsuit


Summary: On Thursday, a judge dismissed a boob joke gone wrong.

A locker room joke got Ellen Degeneres in some hot water, but luckily for her, a judge tossed the humorless case out of court on Thursday.

Last June, a Georgia woman named Titi Pierce was furious when the day-time talk show host poked light of her name on national television. Pierce, a real estate agent, advertised her name and business on a sign, and during the segment “What’s Wrong with These Signs?” Degeneres pronounced the plaintiff’s name “Titty” instead of “Tee Tee.” The audience laughed at the dumb boobie joke, but Pierce didn’t think it was so funny.

“In all of her 35 years of life, no one has ever referred to Ms. Pierce as ‘titty’ until the Defendant did so on February 22, 2016 on national television,” the lawsuit had stated.

While Pierce claimed to be humiliated and wanted damages, the judge decided to rule in Degeneres’ favor and school Pierce on the English language, according to TMZ.

“The letter ‘i’ in the English language can be pronounced in several ways. While Titi chooses to pronounce her name with “e,” there is nothing demonstrably false in pronouncing it with “i” as DeGeneres did,” the judge said.

Source: TMZ

Photo courtesy of The Ellen Degeneres Show

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