Categories: Weird News

A Penis Sandwich Is Not Appreciated by Anyone



Summary: A coworker claims a fellow colleague put his penis in their sandwich in a lawsuit filed against him and their workplace.

Lunchtime pranks generally involve hiding a coworker’s lunch, not putting your penis in their sandwich. An Indian Point nuclear power plant employee filed a lawsuit, alleging that a colleague put their penis in his sandwich. That colleague apparently watched “She’s All That” and thought messing with someone’s lunch was a good idea.

The New York Post first reported the story about the colleague, security officer Vito Messina, being no stranger to legal trouble. There are three other lawsuits accusing him of performing other sexually inappropriate acts. The lawsuits against Messina span over decades, including behavior such as fondling, grabbing and propositioning other employees at the Entergy facility just 36 miles north of Manhattan.

One allegation is from the 1990s when a plant shop steward accused Messina of assaulting him as well as his father who also worked there. According to the lawsuit filed in 2007 by James Tepperwein, Messina stated to him, “I’m going to touch you as much as I want.” The suit states that Messina dug his fingernails into Tepperwein’s bottom and also propositioned the worker by asking, “Do you think you would ever have sex with a man?”

Even with these allegations, Messina was still working at the facility. More lawsuits with additional accusations were filed by Richard Gustin and Ted Gordon. One suit filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission by Bellantoni Law on behalf of their client. Their client claimed that Messina sexually assaulted their client at work by forcefully grabbing their client and thrusting his erect penis against his body. Their client alleges that a number of other employees have complained about Messina, even those in managerial positions. The complaints include being subjected to lewd comments and unwelcome sexual advances. The lawsuit alleges that Entergy and their management have known of his offensive acts for decades but allowed him to maintain his employment where he was able to continue assaulting and harassing other employees. They had planned to file a federal lawsuit against Entergy after the EEOC investigation was completed.

In the latest suit, two people confirmed seeing Messina grab a woman’s sandwich and “place his penis inside of it before returning the sandwich to the table during lunchtime.”

Messina retired just a few months ago before he could be fired for inappropriate behavior. They claim to have no complaints against him between 2005 and 2016, according to an Indian Point spokesman.

Indian Point is now preparing to close and could be closed down as early as April 2021. The agreement with Entergy and New York State stipulates that one reactor close by 2020 and the other reactor closing down permanently the next year. New York fears for the safety of the city because the reactor is so closely located to Manhattan.

Would you commit a prank against a coworker, even if it was a more harmless kind of prank? Tell us in the comments below.

To learn more about penis stories in the news, read these articles:


Amanda Griffin: