Categories: Weird News

Landlord Caught Having Sex in Tenants Bed Pleads Guilty



Summary: The worst landlord of all kind has pleaded guilty to trespassing after he was caught having sex with another man in the tenant’s bed.

When you sign a contract, leasing a residence from the landlord, you assume that the landlord will respect your privacy enough to provide notification when they plan to enter the residence. A Colorado landlord did not have this respect for his tenants.

For the couple renting from Carlos Quijada-Lara, they finally have justice for having their landlord invade their privacy. Logan Pierce and Mikaela DiGuilio, who were renting a home in Colorado Springs, had equipped their home with surveillance cameras. Their cameras picked up Quijada-Lara entering their home with another man for an X-rated encounter in their bedroom.

Quijada-Lara pleaded guilty to felony trespassing in a plea deal for the incident last November. The 39-year-old landlord was caught by the married couple’s Nest security system they had installed in their $1100-a-month apartment.

When Quijada-Lara and his partner entered the apartment, Pierce received a notification on his cell phone that a noise had been detected inside the home. This notification prompted Pierce to investigate further by checking the cameras. It was then that he saw his landlord and another man in his bedroom.

Pierce told KKTV, “I got a notification from one of the cameras on lunch the other day that it detected noise and it was strange because both of us work all day everyday. I opened up the camera and kind of had to like quit the program and like restart it again because I didn’t really believe what I saw.”

The camera inside their bedroom recorded the six-minute encounter between Quijada-Lara and his partner having sex on their bed. Both men removed their clothes to engage in oral and anal sex. When they finished, the partner cleaned himself off using DiQuilio’s  wedding dress that she had worn when the couple was married last March. Quijada-Lara can be seen using a different garment to clean a lubricant stain on the bed sheet.

Pierce went to the Colorado Springs Police Department with the security footage, leading to the arrest of Quijada-Lara. Immediately after the discovery that Quijada-Lara was using their home as a hookup place when they were away at work, Pierce and his wife vacated the premises.

Lt. Howard Black had said at the time of Quijada-Lara’s arrest, “Landlords don’t have the ability to go into tenant apartments and do whatever they want to do.” The landlord will be sentenced in September. The maximum sentence is four years in prison and $100,000 for a first-degree felony trespassing charge in Colorado.

The couple found the apartment by responding to a Craigslist ad.

What would you do if you were in the couple’s position? Would you have moved out? Would you sue the landlord? Tell us in the comments below.

To learn more about bad landlord situations, including this one, read these articles:


Amanda Griffin: