Photo courtesy of The Shade Room.
Summary: Chris Brown has settled an assault lawsuit from a model for an undisclosed sum.
Chris Brown settled a lawsuit from a Brazilian model who accused him of violence and theft. According to TMZ, the settlement became official on Tuesday.
Model Liziane Gutierrez said that she had visited Brown’s Las Vegas hotel room in 2015, and that someone had hit her in the face and confiscated her phone. She had tried to file criminal charges in Clarke County, Nevada, but police did not pursue the case because of lack of evidence.
Gutierrez then filed a civil complaint in February of last year, and she was rumored to be seeking $70,000. A source told TMZ that the amount settled was probably less than that.
On the night of the alleged attack, the model said that Brown got upset when he saw her secretly taking his photo inside his hotel room at the Palms Resort. Gutierrez sued him for assault and theft of her phone as well as for defamation. After she had accused him of hitting her, he went online and said she was “too ugly” to have ever been invited to his party.
“Obviously somebody is looking to get a check or start some s***,” Brown said in the now deleted video posted on his Instagram. “I don’t know this old looking b****. This b**** is old, like dusty, look at her in the Jason Derulo video. Like she came to Vegas, she probably came to my room and was too ugly to get in.”
Brown’s publicist Nicole Pena called Gutierrez’s story “untrue” and made up.
“Ms. Gutierrez was escorted out of the private after party at the Palms Casino Resort for being disruptive and out of control. Once she was in the hallway, while waiting for Chris Brown’s security to bring out her phone, she had a total meltdown–throwing her purse to the ground and claiming that she “could buy everyone in the hotel”–as witnessed by numerous people waiting to get into the party,” Pena said in a statement. ‘The Palms Casino Resort security also saw her wild behavior via hotel security cameras and immediately came up to the hallway to escort her out of the hotel. Her claim that she had her phone in her possession inside the after party and was able to take a photo causing an altercation with Chris Brown is a complete fabrication”
At the time of the incident, Brown, 28, had been in Las Vegas to perform at Drai’s nightclub. The volatile singer has been accused by multiple people of violence, including his ex-girlfriend Karrueche Tran and his ex-manager Mike G; and he most famously beat up his then-girlfriend Rihanna in 2009. He was sentenced to five years of probation after pleading guilty to felony assault, and the alleged attack on Guiterrez occurred almost one year after his probation had ended.
Despite his reputation for being an abuser, Brown’s career has not appeared to take any hits. He continues to release new music and perform around the country. According to Bank Rate, his net worth is almost $30 million.
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