Three Dartmouth Professors Investigated for Sexual Misconduct

Dartmouth College

Dartmouth College

Summary: State authorities have opened an investigation into three professors at Dartmouth College accused of sexual assault.

Three Dartmouth College professors placed on paid leave by the school are now being investigated by New Hampshire state authorities for possible sexual misconduct. The Ivy League school professors are brain scientists in their psychology department.

Professors Todd Heatherton, Paul Whalen, and William Kelley have been barred from campus until the result of their investigation has been concluded.

Attorney General Gordon J. MacDonald explained in his statement that Dartmouth officials have promised to assist them in their criminal investigation. New Hampshire associate attorney general Jane Young said, “We will go wherever the evidence takes us. We have no avenues that are off limits. …If there are, in fact, victims, they have options, the victims have support.”

School spokeswoman Diana Lawrence said, “Dartmouth is cooperating with law enforcement. From the outset of our investigations, we have encouraged the reporting of possible crimes to law enforcement and have offered resources to support that reporting.”

Grafton County Attorney, New Hampshire State Police, and officers from Hanover and Grafton County Sheriff’s Department will join in the investigation. The police learned of the allegations against the professors last week when the allegations were included in the campus newspaper, The Dartmouth. The newspaper noted that the professors were on paid leave while the school’s investigation was held.

The college newspaper picked up the story when posters were distributed around campus asking where the professors were. The posters read “Where is Prof. Paul Whalen?” and “Where is Prof. Bill Kelley?” The story prompted state authorities to “engage in a dialogue with Dartmouth College and we have learned from the College that it has received allegations of sexual misconduct.”

The prosecutors said, “Dartmouth College has pledged to work with this investigation to ensure the safety and well-being of all members of their community.”

Dartmouth president Philip J. Hanlon said in a letter addressed to the community that the school has opened their own investigation into the allegations. He said, “I want to say in the most emphatic way possible that sexual misconduct and harassment are unacceptable and have no place at Dartmouth. Such acts harm us as individuals and as members of the community.” He added, “It is important to remember that investigations are ongoing, with no official findings yet produced. However, we take these allegations very seriously and are pursuing our own independent investigations with law enforcement officials.”

MacDonald’s office stated they cannot provide any more information since it is an open investigation, “We will provide further information when we can do so, consistent with our obligation to ensure the integrity of the investigation. At this time, we have no basis to conclude that there is a threat to the general public.”

Do you think the professors assaulted the same person or will there be more than one victim? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

To learn more about scandals at Ivy League schools, read these articles:


Amanda Griffin: