Campbell Law Introduces Dual Degree Program for Health Care Administration

Wiggins Law

Wiggins Law

Summary: Campbell Law School is opening another dual degree option for students, this time involving the School of Medicine.

Campbell University Law School has a new dual degree program option for its students. The new program is available for students interested in senior-level health care administration, according to Biz Journals.

The law school currently has nine duel degree programs, five of which are in conjunction with Campbell University. The other four programs are with North Carolina State University.

The six-year due degree program partners with Campbell Medicine with the students earning a juris doctor and a doctor of osteopathic medicine at the same time. Students interested in the program must apply and be accepted by both programs. Those accepted are able to enroll for the fall semester of next year.

Campbell Law Dean J. Rich Leonard said, “Although graduate would be licenses in either field, we anticipate that their focus will be on attaining positions in health care administration at the highest levels.”

American Bar Association data puts Campbell Law as one of the top schools in the country for ultimate bar exam passage rates.

Leondard said back in March that the law school was moving forward with several new dual degree programs. He does not expect there to be any changes to their bar passage rates since students are still required to meet the same law degree requirements.

Campbell Medicine Dean John Kauffman Jr. added, “This JD/DO degree will represent the second osteopathic medical school in the nation to have this combined degree program.”

Do you think the program will have a lot of interest? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

To learn more about other dual-degree options, read these articles:


Amanda Griffin: