Bar Exam Pass Rates on the Rise Across the U.S. in July 2024

The July 2024 bar exam is shaping up to be a positive one for test-takers, with pass rates trending upward across many states. With more than half of U.S. states reporting their results by early October, the majority are showing improvements in overall pass rates compared to July 2023. This surge in success is promising for both recent law graduates and legal employers seeking fresh talent in the field.

Pass Rates Trending Up in Most States

As of Friday, 18 out of 26 states that reported their bar exam results showed higher pass rates than in July 2023. Notably, ten states experienced significant gains, with increases of five percentage points or more. Six states, however, saw a decline in pass rates, although these drops were relatively small. Two states reported no change from last year’s pass rate.

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Major States Yet to Report

Among the largest states for bar exam takers, New York, California, Texas, and Illinois have not yet released their July 2024 bar exam results. Florida, which ranks third after New York and California in terms of exam takers, is the only large state to report its results thus far. Florida’s overall pass rate rose from 61% in 2023 to 65% this year, contributing to the positive nationwide trend.

National Bar Exam Performance at a High

The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) provided encouraging national data for the July 2024 bar exam. According to the NCBE, the average national score on the multiple-choice portion of the two-day attorney licensing exam (Multistate Bar Examination or MBE) increased to 141.8—1.3 points higher than in July 2023. This is the highest average score recorded since 2013, excluding the modified bar exam administered in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Factors Driving the Increase

The NCBE attributes the improvement in bar exam performance to several factors, including the size and academic strength of the law school class of 2021. Law school applications surged by 13% that year, driven in part by the pandemic. This increase allowed law schools to be more selective, admitting candidates with stronger academic credentials, which may have contributed to the higher bar pass rates this year.

Standout States with Significant Gains

Several states reported impressive gains in their pass rates. Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Nebraska each saw their overall pass rates increase by nine percentage points, while Mississippi’s rate climbed by seven percentage points. Meanwhile, Maine and Colorado both reported a six-percentage-point improvement in their pass rates.

States with Notable Declines

Despite the overall trend of improvement, a few states saw declines. Vermont’s pass rate dropped from 58% in July 2023 to 53% this year, while Utah saw its pass rate dip from 92% to 88%. Both Vermont and Utah had relatively small pools of test-takers—49 in Vermont and 336 in Utah—which may have contributed to the variability in their results.

Upcoming Results for Key States

Results from several major states are still pending. New York is expected to release its results by the end of October, while California will announce its results on November 8. Texas may release its results as soon as the upcoming Monday, keeping test-takers on edge as they await the outcome.


The upward trend in bar exam pass rates for July 2024 is a welcome development for aspiring lawyers and the legal industry. With key states like New York and California still to report, it remains to be seen how the final national numbers will shape up. Nonetheless, the early indicators point to a strong year for bar exam takers, marking a positive shift for the future of the legal profession.

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