You searched for: penn law

$3 Million Lawsuit Filed against Unite the Right’s Organizer, Jason Kessler

Summary: Two victims of Saturday's car assault in Charlottesville are suing organizers and attendees of Unite the Right. The organizer…

Yale Law Graduate and Convicted Felon Must Prove “Moral Character”

Summary: A convicted felon who went on to get a law degree from Yale must submit proof that he is…

Google Employee Who Penned Anti-Diversity Manifesto Exploring Legal Action

Summary: Google fired James Damore, an engineer who wrote a memo arguing the company should remove gender and racial diversity…

Lawsuit Claims Walgreens Wrongfully Taxed Customers for Unsweetened Drinks

Summary: A new lawsuit claims Walgreens unjustly enriched itself by taxing unsweetened drinks. In Cook County, Illinois, stores must charge…

Billboard Lists Top Music Law Schools

Summary: Billboard Magazine has ranked the top law schools for aspiring music attorneys.  While the music industry continues to evolve,…

Preliminary Hearings Begin for Penn State Fraternity Hazing Death

Summary: Pretrial hearings have begun into the case involving the death of a fraternity pledge after a night of drinking.…

Pennsylvania Attorney Robert Mitchell Accused of Forwarding Partner’s Emails to Himself

Summary: A Pennsylvania attorney allegedly canceled his former partner’s email account and had emails forwarded to his email account instead…

Florida ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Ruled Unconstitutional

Summary: A Florida judge ruled the state’s updated “stand your ground” law as unconstitutional as the case heads up the…

Katie May’s Estate Files Wrongful Death Lawsuit against Chiropractor

Summary: Katie May's family is suing the chiropractor that allegedly gave her a bad adjustment that led to her death. …

Harvard Law School Names New Dean

Summary: Harvard Law School announced John Manning will be taking over leadership of the school starting in July. Harvard Law…

University of Chicago Becomes Law School to Beat with New 2016 Employment Data Report

Summary: The latest report released by the American Bar Association on employment rates for new graduates show a troubling trend.…

Tiffany Trump Is Headed to Georgetown Law

Summary: The younger of the first daughters will be headed to Georgetown Law in the fall to begin classes towards…