You searched for: penn law

10 Law Degrees that Render the Highest Salary to Debt Ratio

Aside from the general lack of jobs at the other end of a JD degree, with about half of those…

Two Women Wed in County Defying Pennsylvania Ban

Pennsylvania state law currently bans same-sex marriages. However, yesterday morning two women were wed after receiving their marriage license from…

Attorney General in Pennsylvania Will Support Same-sex Marriage

Kathleen Kane, Pennsylvania’s attorney general, made a statement on Thursday that she “would not defend the state against a lawsuit…

UM Law School Dean Steps Down, Returns to Teaching and Writing

After improving the national rankings and reputation of the University of Montana’s School of Law, Dean Irma Russell will be…

Rutgers Reveals Drop in Enrollment, Typical of Law School Environment

Though official reporting for the 2012-2013 school year is not complete, several schools are reporting a decline in enrollment. An…

Woman Steals $20,000 from Law Firm

Misty Jo Greeno was greedy for the green, according to charges filed against her in Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Greeno worked…

Bipartisan Lawmakers Agree on New Gun Control Legislation

After the Sandy Hook violence jumpstarted gun-control issues, it seems we are finally getting the legislation so many activists are…

Top Ten Lists of Law Schools Created Based on U.S. News Rankings

Derek Muller is a professor of law at Pepperdine. He is also a colleague of the TaxProf Blog founder and…

Two Law Schools Increase Loan Repayment Programs for Students

Two laws schools have made a legal education more affordable for students seeking careers in public interest, according to The…

Website Issue for LSAC Forces Some Law Schools to Push Back Application Deadline

A glitch with the Law School Admission Council's online system has caused prospective law students and admissions offices to scramble…

Judge Allows Lehigh University Lawsuit to Continue

Judge Emil Giordano of Northampton County in Pennsylvania chastised both parties in a lawsuit filed by a Lehigh University grad.…

George Washington Law School to Add LGBT Question to Application

The George Washington Law School will be adding the LGBT status to its application beginning in 2014. The school will…