At After a Manhattan man structured his sizable divorce proceeds to avoid retaining any liquid assets — thereby leaving himself with...
At, blogger Felix Salmon sees a larger trend in the Dreier and Blagojevich scandals: Yesterday, the idiot was Marc Dreier; today, it’s Rod...
Dreier LLP founder Marc Dreier was arraigned yesterday on federal charges of selling $113 million in fake securities to two hedge funds. Separately,...
The Chicago Tribune broke the news this morning that Illinios governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were arrested...
FBI agents have arrested Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, on charges stemming from what a US...
Eager to learn more about what’s going on at Dreier LLP, we sent our own stalwart video reporter JIllian Elizabeth over to...
Over at Legal Blog Watch, a rundown of what “blawgers” are saying about the arrest of Marc Dreier and the meltdown of...
Boston-based firm Goulston & Storrs PC has laid off about 40 members of its staff, including administrative support positions and a handful...
Attorneys fired en masse by a newly elected public defender and state attorney in Jacksonville, Florida, are considering legal action. The incident...
In a move to copy their across-the-pond counterparts, London-based Clifford Chance has slashed the bonuses of their US associates in half. This...
Federal prosecutors have charged Marc Dreier, founder of Manhattan’s Dreier LLP, with theft in connection with his alleged attempt to secure a...
I have been a recruiter for nine years now and I think this is one of the craziest weeks I have ever seen....