Alex Andonovska

ABA’s New Task Force Addresses Legal Needs Arising From Coronavirus

Summary: ABA sets up a task force of volunteering legal experts to address legal needs that arise from coronavirus pandemic.…

What Does COVID-19 Mean for the Legal Economy?

As the effects of the coronavirus outbreak hit the legal economy and legal jobs in the United States, the damage…

Is an LLM Degree Worth It?

Fierce competition in the legal job field is prompting law firms to take stern steps to bolster their profiles. Holding…

How to Decide if Refinancing Law School Loans is Right for You

Summary: Refinancing your law school loan debt is a useful money-saving move, but is it right for you? With the…

Nazi Flag at Bernie Sanders Rally Gets Person Kicked Out

Summary: White Supremacist Unfurls Nazi Flag at Arizona Sanders Rally A man shouting “Heil Hitler” and waving a Nazi flag…

How to Bridge the Gap from Law School to Law Firm

For law students, legal education and the practice of law might seem worlds apart. Many times young lawyers first entering…

Facebook Flags Donald Trump Post ‘Partly False’ After Biden’s Protest

Photo by Michael Stokes Summary: Facebook labeled a video posted by President Donald Trump as “partly false.” On Monday, Facebook joined Twitter in…

How Should You Negotiate a Law School Scholarship?

Summary:  Many law schools and admitted students engage in scholarship discussions beyond the original award offered. As many aspiring law…

Woody Allen’s Publisher Cancels His Memoir After Outrage and Staff Walkouts

Hachette Book Group (HBG) has decided to cancel the planned release of Woody Allen’s autobiography 'Apropos Of Nothing' after its…

Amazon Employees Are Demanding Paid Sick Leave After Catching the Company Breaking the Law

In violation of county law, the e-commerce behemoth Amazon failed to provide employees with paid sick time — until workers at…

Elizabeth Warren Is Ending Her Presidential Campaign

Summary Once a front-runner, Elizabeth Warren is ending her presidential campaign. Senator Elizabeth Warren dropped out of the presidential race…

The Husband of LA County DA Pointed a Gun at Protesters Who Showed Up at Their House

Summary: The husband of Los Angeles County's District Attorney pointed a gun at unarmed protesters during a confrontation outside the…