Amanda Griffin

Trump Supported a Drug Trafficker Once So Why Not Again?

Summary: Donald Trump has connections with many less than ideal individuals, but only one received a reference letter claiming the…

Going In-house Is Career Suicide for Good Attorneys

Summary: The best attorneys should never give up on their career by going in-house. Read on to learn why. Read…

“Man Bun” Gives Man Away to Cops

Summary: Even with a covered face, one Florida man fashioned a “man bun” that made him still recognizable to police.…

Houston Attorney Killed During Shootout with Police

Summary: A Houston gunman killed by police turned out to be an attorney that was upset with his law firm.…

Top Law Firms Consider These 8 Categories When Hiring

Summary: Big law firms only want the best in their lateral hires, so they consider these 8 categories and the…

Worst Uncle of the Year Award Goes to This Guy

Summary: An Arkansas teenager filmed giving his 3-year-old nephew a marijuana joint and then posted the video to Facebook. A…

Top 25 Cities for Law School Graduates

Summary: Take a look at this list of the top 25 cities in the United States for law school graduates…

Iowa Man Was “Just Curious”

Summary: An Iowa man was just curious about how big his penis was but decided to do his measurements in…

Start Your Summer Associate Job Search Now

Summary: Summer may be coming to a close, but it is never too early to start securing your associate position…

30 Factors That Make You More Employable with Big Law Firms

Summary: There are many factors that major law firms consider when making a lateral hire, many of which you can…

Bitcoin Ruled as Money by Second Judge

Summary: Another judge has ruled that bitcoin meets the definition of being legitimate money in a criminal case against Bitcoin.mx…

Man Uses Crucifix as Assault Weapon

Summary: Several people in Ventura, California were assaulted by a man wielding a pair of crucifixes as his weapon. One…