Summary: UCLA School of Law has opened their admissions requirements up to accept the GRE as a test score instead of the...
Summary: Not many attorneys are able to achieve the 3,000 billable hours mark each year but this one soared past the level,...
Summary: Charlotte School of Law has filed a lawsuit similar to Florida Coastal’s against the American Bar Association. With the example of...
Summary: Those looking to be family law and/or child advocacy attorneys need to start before law school to develop the special skills...
Summary: The former Kentucky lawyer accused of fraud who then fled to Central American to avoid sentencing has decided to enter a...
Summary: A number of law schools are demanding law firms reveal if they are requiring summer associates to sign arbitration and nondisclosure...
Summary: A group is urging the state to make an amendment to the language in the Practice Book which would allow participants...
Summary: Financial crimes are a complex legal matter that technology has made easier to investigate while also making it easier for the...
Summary:  Stormy Daniels’ attorney believes that Squire Patton Boggs used Michael Cohen for his access to President Trump, and thus needs to be...
Summary: Since the university created its doctorate in juridical science a few years ago, they now have their first graduate. The University...
Summary: A jury gave former attorney Michael Harssema the maximum penalty for sexually assaulting a teenage girl that came to him for...
Summary: The University of Virginia Law School will receive $44 from Bruce and Martha Karsh and the university’s board of visitors. The...