Summary: Mike Morse and his law firm saw that around 23,000 students were unable to afford school supplies so they decided to...
Summary: An estranged couple that had appeared on the Travel Channel show “Ghost Adventures” as ghost hunters were found dead inside an...
Summary: With a growing trend of U.S. law firms merging to consolidate financial resources and expand their international presence, firms Pillsbury Winthrop...
Summary: Illinois residents with four DUI convictions will be able to apply for a restricted permit. Gov. Bruce Rauner signed a new...
Summary: A Florida deputy is shot outside a law firm. When Florida sheriff’s deputy Bill Myers came out of retirement to save a...
Summary: Who would have thought that a GoPro could prove domestic abuse? Men face an uphill battle when trying to defend themselves...
Summary: With the possibility of criminal investigations being reopened, Cosby is in the market for a lawyer. When a complaint was filed against...
Summary: According to a Kaplan study, law school admissions officers are expecting a bump in applications this year. Kaplan Test Prep asked admissions officers...
Summary: A Colorado man is convicted after losing two wives under unusual circumstances. A man believed to have pushed his wife of 12 years...
Summary: A Sunrise, Florida man brutally murdered and disemboweled his girlfriend after she said the wrong name during drunken sex. Twenty-four-year-old Fidel...
Summary: Too many lawyers focus on the money when looking for a job. There are far more important considerations. Read the full...
Summary: Akerman’s real estate group is already ranked one of the top five in the United States. Now the group is adding...