Summary: After downplaying Dole’s financial situation to drive down stock prices, CEO David Murdock was able to purchase the entire company and...
Summary: While no competitors could take Bolt down during the 100 and 200 meter races at the World Championships, a cameraman on...
Summary: Many of the top lawyers are tired of not having a home life and always being at work so new, smaller...
Summary: An appeals court ruled that the settlement in a class action against Southwest Airlines was fair despite the passengers only getting...
Summary: All good things must come to an end, including billing and stealing millions from law firms for services not actually provided....
Summary: After two women complained of not remembering moments of their conversations with an attorney, one started an investigation into his conduct....
Summary: A graduate of Temple Law School in July was found with fatal gunshots to his upper torso inside a car. The...
Summary: Generating traffic to phishing websites is not only illegal, it is extremely annoying for those that get tricked into clicking on...
Summary: With several new additions to the law firm, their revenue may be down but they are growing bigger than ever. Law...
Summary: While having a J.D. from a top 10 law school may give you better chances at finding a job after the...
Summary: The young man that was taken down by four Americans before he could shoot-up a Paris-bound train is claiming he was...
Summary: The dean at Colorado Law will be stepping down next summer after serving in the position for five years and transforming...