Summary: The law firm conducted the investigation into the Christie lane closure scandal but is not willing to release their private data...
Summary: The city of Ferguson has a long road ahead to mend the relations between government personnel and black members of the...
Summary: There are many acceptable reasons as to why attorneys leave the practice but too many leave because of a situation that...
Summary: Planned Parenthood and their partner company StemExpress are facing tight scrutiny after several videos have exposed some illegal practices they companies...
Summary: A judge ruled that even if Terrence Howard is a mean guy that doesn’t justify being coerced into signing a divorce...
Summary: The Intellectual Property practice at Mayer Brown has added Brian J. Winterfeldt as well as a team of lawyers from Katten...
Summary: The new co-chair of Ogletree Deakins Defense Contracting Industry Group, James J. Murphy has extensive experience with labor and employment issues....
Summary: Litigation boutiques are becoming the go to place for clients over BigLaw because the attorneys are often highly qualified former BigLaw...
Summary: After receiving two complaints about the fifth place essay of the Michigan Bar biennial contest, the Bar removed the essay and...
Summary: With Kentucky’s Attorney General backing out, Gov. Beshear had to hire a private lawyers to keep the fight against gay marriage...
Summary: A new network formed by four law firms in different countries called The Legal Alliance of the Americas aims to give...
Summary: Former Ravens cheerleader Molly Shattuck only has to serve every other weekend for almost two years in a correctional facility since...