Summary: After years of an unsolicited sexual relationship between a judge and clerk, the clerk presented semen stained clothing as proof that...
Summary: If you just completed your first year of law school take a look at this list to start lining up your...
Summary: With more law graduates starting their own firms, the need for them to know how to run a firm is becoming...
Summary: An attorney needs the best legal recruiter possible to help them find a new law firm to work for so this...
Summary: Accusations have arose, with birth certificates and police reports to back it up, that Shaun King, the activist behind the Black...
Summary: After setting a plan several years ago to get an office in Delaware, LeClairRyan finally opened one in Wilmington, making it...
Summary: Whether you are a current law partner or plan on being one, this guide will give you the tools you need...
Summary: Months after his home was searched by investigators, Jared Fogle was charged with possession of child pornography, which he is expected...
Summary: Labor and employment attorney Phillip Maltin will be joining the highly accredited practice of Lathrop & Gage as a partner in...
Summary: With two additional testimonies from former employees, the prosecutors for the Dewey & LeBoeuf trial were able to show how deep...
Summary: The plaintiffs trying to secure payment from Yelp for posting reviews on their website were dismissed by a district judge. U.S....
Summary: The federal judiciary is toying with the idea of eliminating the rarely used ancient documents exception from court statements. The old...