Summary: An attack at an expat community apartment left an American lawyer dead and his girlfriend wounded in a well-to-do neighborhood of...
Summary: The new Global Services Center facility will serve all of Littler’s nationwide offices in back-office support. Littler Mendelson is the world’s...
Summary: The estate of former Illinois politician and faculty member of Northwestern University School of Law has given $5 million to the...
Summary: Uber is facing another lawsuit from a woman in Texas that wants the company to take better responsibility for their drivers...
Summary: Since neither the NFL nor Players Union can come to an agreement, it is up to a district judge to decide...
Summary: These firms were ranked on the number of disposed applications for patents that they have in the Technology Center 2400 and...
Summary: Google is set to keep growing, creating a new company that will help them do that by organizing and clearly showing...
Summary: An acting Waterloo justice claimed he was attacked when leaving the court but no evidence, including physical injuries, were found to...
Summary: The mail-order music club Columbia House is closing down after their parent company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this week....
Summary: Deutsche Bank, in the midst of their largest legal bills, will have two new general counsels by the beginning of next...
Summary: Former Los Angeles Clippers basketball team owner has filed a lawsuit against TMZ and his ex-girlfriend for a violation of privacy....
Summary: Retention rates are causing many law schools to rethink conditional scholarships but the number of these scholarships being offered is also...