Summary: The University of Cincinnati police officer that fatally shot Samuel Dubose during a traffic stop was charged with murder and manslaughter...
Summary: Deutsche Bank has yet to resolve several legal issues from their participation in the financial crisis, resulting in large legal fees...
Summary: Another employee for Wilson Sonsini has been charged with illegal trading. He used the firm’s computer system to find information on...
Summary: The Valley Brook Officer, Courtney Schlinke, was arrested after the 14-year-old victim’s grandmother found inappropriate photos and texts on the girl’s...
Summary: A good recruiter is able to create a unique selling proposition (USP) to get their clients find the best law firm...
Summary: Glenn S. Walter brings almost 20 years of experience in corporate restructuring, bankruptcy issues, and insolvency to Honigman Miller Schwartz &...
Summary: The cross-border transactional services for financial and telecommunications at Akerman has been strengthened with the addition of Arturo Banegas Masia. Arturo...
Summary: Vinson & Elkins welcomes experienced transactional lawyer in oil and gas, Bryan Loocke to their firm as a partner. Bryan Loocke, an...
Summary: Despite their attempts, a federal judge ruled that the attorney general has the right to obtain information on donors of charities,...
Summary: Nike apparently missed the mark with their wearable fitness tracker and has agreed to pay purchasers of the FuelBand a partial...
Summary: After years of investigations and associates of Fattah being charges, Fattah is finally hit with charges of racketeering, bribery, fraud and...
Summary: The law school in Knoxville, Tennessee will be gaining a dean that has done it all and will be able to...