Summary: The Los Angeles office of McKool Smith  welcomes Robert E. Allen, an intellectual property litigator, as a principal. One of the...
Summary: Rapper 50 Cent’s attempt of filing for bankruptcy in order to stall a civil lawsuit from a sex tape was dismissed...
Summary: Lockheed is looking to break into the helicopter division with the purchase of Sikorsky Aircraft from United Technologies for almost $9...
Summary: Uber’s legal problems in European countries will face a unified decision next fall with the European Council taking on the lawsuit...
Summary: Method patents are difficult to prove but with the help of Alice, courts are able to determine when patents are valid...
Summary: A U.S. Supreme Court case from a year ago, Octane, has made it possible for other companies that get sued for...
Summary: An attack outside the theme park is causing the park and the plaintiff to argue over what surrounding area the park...
Summary: The justice system is a flawed broken system that serves the needs of the big instead of protecting the small. There...
Summary: Universities, students, and the ABA understand that student debt is out of control so extra effort is being done to decrease...
Summary: Defrauded investors have joined in a class action lawsuit against a Bismarck North Dakota law firm, acting as escrow agents for...
Summary: While legal costs have hurt their profits, Goldman Sachs’ overall profits are up from a year ago. Goldman Sachs has seen...
Summary: James Holmes shot-up a packed movie theater three years ago, killing twelve. His was found guilty on all 165 charges against...