Summary: Rutgers University is hoping to receive all the approvals they need to merge their two law schools into one law school...
Summary: The former White House lawyer found guilty of attempted murder on his then-wife and currently serving a 15 year prison sentence...
Summary: A discussion between airlines CEO’s about capacities limits sparks a U.S. government investigation to figure out if the airlines have been...
Summary: Johan Schluter Law Firm was hired by media groups to manage payments to TV and movie associations but after an investigation,...
Summary: A San Antonio District Judge and the U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals waited for the Supreme Court’s ruling on gay...
Summary: Leon Borstein, a partner at Borstein & Sheinbaum, was sanctioned for ignoring principles of matrimonial jurisprudence and acting illogical. Attorney Leon...
Summary: BP has been hit with the largest fines in history for penalties to the federal Clean Water Act and Natural Resources...
Summary: This online directory provides information on the securities compliance firms along the East Coast of the United States with the highest...
Summary: Minnesota has joined the list of states that allow marijuana use for medical reason, although their criteria are one of the...
Summary: The Brady Center sought to make an online ammunition company responsible for the 2012 Aurora shooting for their lack of screening...
Summary: Recreational marijuana use is now legal in five states and the District of Columbia but still banned by the federal government....
Summary: A witness for the defense of Dewey & LeBoeuf former executives pointed the blame on the criminal investigation by the District...