Summary: The Michigan Law Review named their new editor, who will also be the Law Review’s first African-American editor. The University of...
Summary: The law school at the University of Utah will offer a master of legal studies degree for professionals that want to...
Summary: Speculation looms as to where White House daughter Tiffany Trump is living for her first year of law school at Georgetown....
Summary: Northeastern University School of Law held the first annual Reach(OUT) conference for LGBTQ law students. LGBTQ cases are being decided every...
Summary: The host of largest bar prep course reached a settlement with a group of blind law students claiming they were discriminated...
Summary: The alumni from the University of Chicago Law School taking the newly shortened California bar exam last July all passed. Non-California...
Summary: Facing accreditation problems, the alumni at North Carolina Central University School of Law are waiting to see what they can do...
Summary: BYU Law School created an online tool that will help people who cannot afford legal services to handle debt collection lawsuits....
Summary: First accused of sexual harassment in addition to participating in a Ponzi scheme, Texan Senator Uresti is now accused of using...
Summary: The University of Georgia School of Law created the Benham Scholars Program to put an emphasis on diversity in the state’s...
Summary:Â The American Bar Association accrediting committee is requiring a plan from NCCU Law regarding their compliance issues before a June hearing. The...
Summary: UCLA’s School of Law is getting a lesson on music by opening up a free legal clinic to the little guys...